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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Textbooks: Bureaucratic tools

White Supremacy and the Rhetoric of Educational Indoctrination: A Canadian Case Study

This was a very enlightening, yet scary read. I can’t remember who suggested this, or brought this one into class, but thank you, I think that it has added a lot of dimension into our understanding of the deliberate cultivating of a white racist society in BC. The importance education plays in the role of the development of attitudes and prejudices becomes apparent in the article. We are also enlightened by developing an awareness of the power of textbooks to promote specific ideologies. Even when textbooks present different views, we have to remember that they are only one source which should be used to examine different issues. I think many teachers who only use textbooks in the classroom do so not to deliberately promote a specific point of view, but because textbooks are easy to use. It is hard work trying to find a variety of resources to explore issues – specifically issues that are presented at the reading level of your students.

So, if schools were blatantly used to effectively support white supremacy, then we, in turn, can use schools as a vehicle to undo this by challenging, discussion, and studying these issues in the classroom. I appreciate the efforts of everyone in the classroom in bringing in different resources, the networking has been good. Many hands make light work!


At 9:15 AM, Blogger HelenfromPG said...

Kevin... Great advertising and framing an "anticipatory set". You have created a climate of suspense. Too funny.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Eva said...

The tough part about being a high school teacher and having provincial exams. we have no choice the exam is on the textbook they gives us to teach. If in Math 10 I did not teach or use the textbook the gov's said the the kids would lose out. But no probvincvial themn they is more freedom. But do not worry BC is going the way of the US and there will be exams in every grrade K-12 in this gov's stays aroudn. Which it loooks like it will!!!!!


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